News Industry Reports

Leoch International has won Chery Jaguar Land Rover JLRQ Certification and Quality Excellence Award!


Automotive Battery

On October 13, 2022, Leoch International Anhui Leoch Power Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded Chery Jaguar Land Rover JLRQ certification and medal, and was awarded Chery Jaguar Land Rover Excellence Quality Award on the same day. With the blessing of double honor, this marks a new level of cooperation between Leoch International and Chery Jaguar Land Rover in the automotive battery supply chain. 

In terms of global unified supply chain management, Chery Jaguar Land Rover has adopted a high quality supplier screening system and supplier quality standard platform - JLRQ, which is consistent with Jaguar Land Rover, to select the most powerful suppliers among the world's top auto parts suppliers to cooperate.

Car Battery

Stage left, Chery Jaguar Land Rover STA Director Ian Davis

Ian Davis, Director of Chery Jaguar Land Rover STA, said at the award ceremony that in order to ensure that every product delivered to users maintains the most reliable quality, we adhere to strict standards in the supply chain management system. Leoch International has met the quality and supply performance required by CJLR and has achieved JLRQ certification among more than 300 partner suppliers. It is hoped that in the future, under the impetus of JLRQ's strict standards and high requirements, Leoch International will continue to optimize its p ro du ct qu ality and service capabilities, and maintain deepening cooperation.

Automobile battery

Leoch International CEO Wu Kuoyue

In reviewing the cooperation process with Chery Jaguar Land Rover, Leoch International CEO Wu Kuoyue expressed his gratitude to Chery Jaguar Land Rover STA team for their hard work and help in the opening speech, prompting the two sides to achieve mutual achievements in step-by step cooperation. Leoch International will continue to improve quality assurance capabilities and product competitiveness, carefully maintain the JLRQ system, and make unremitting efforts to pursue excellent quality and create a new benchmark in the industry.

Leoch car battery

Left one, Chery Jaguar Land Rover STA Director Ian Davis 

Right, Leoch International CEO Wu Kuoyue

For the pursuit of product quality, Leoch International and Chery Jaguar Land Rover have the determination and confidence to make unremitting efforts and efforts to achieve the ultimate goal. Winning the Chery Jaguar Land Rover Excellence Quality Award is a recognition and recognition of Leoch International, as well as an inspiration and encouragement.

Automobile battery

Left, Ren Jianhui, general manager of the operation of Leoch International Anhui Leoch

Right, Zhang Lin an, senior manager of Chery Jaguar Land Rover STA

Wang Liang, general manager of Anhui Leoch Automobile Quality, said that in the JLRQ system, the Leoch evaluation score was stable at 1300 points, and 0Km ppm continued to maintain a performance of 0. However, the maintenance of honor also requires us to continue to work hard and forge ahead, and with the help of Chery Jaguar Land Rover, we will continue to improve the level of quality management, improve product quality, and advocate that all employees continuously enhance quality awareness and participate in quality control.

High quality automobile battery

Wang Liang, general manager of Leoch International Anhui Leoch Automobile Quality

Automotive battery manufacture

Leoch International Anhui factory employees take the oath on behalf of quality

The achievement of Chery Jaguar Land Rover JLRQ Certification and Quality Excellence Award marks a new level of deepening cooperation between Leoch International and Chery Jaguar Land Rover, and is the result of the joint efforts and win-win results of both parties.

Subsequently , Leoch International will continue to enhance its own advantages, fully exert its manufacturing advantages and craftsman spirit, ensure that every aspect of the product meets the best standards, ensure the timely delivery of high-quality products, and create a higher value experience for customers.

High quality car battery

Toast to the scene to celebrate and take a group photo
