News Industry Reports

Leoch joins CBI as 122nd member



February 16, 2023: Leoch, the China headquartered international battery manufacturer, announced today that it had joined the Consortium for Battery Innovation.

This makes it the 122nd member firm of the CBI. It is the fourth Chinese firm to join. The other three are battery manufacturing companies  Shandong Jinkeli Power Sources Technology, Narada Power and  Chinese research institute Zhejiang Qian Li Zhi Xin Science and Technology.

The ALABC, the CBI’s predecessor, was repurposed in 2019 under its present brand and is the only global pre-competitive research organization promoting innovation in lead batteries for energy storage, motive, and automotive applications.

The consortium has been carrying out research into lead batteries for a quarter of a century.

Note: This article is reprinted from the magazine Batteries International "Leoch joins CBI as 122nd member”
